Curriculum at Ritsumeikan Asia Pacific University
Information about the course content at APU is given below. To know more about life at Beppu, Japan, Please click here.
Ritsumeikan Asia Pacific University (APU) (Japan) to introduce the students to innovation processes and management approaches used in Japan since the global success of Japanese companies, practitioners and scholars around the world have shown an increased interest in and appreciation for Japanese management principles and innovative practices. Japanese companies have for a long time adapted Western ideas of quality and innovation to the Japanese context and introduced new and innovative processes and management techniques. Japan is still a leading driver in the migration toward global operations, integrating design, sourcing, manufacturing and distribution of products and services globally.
The second year in Japan adds to the global character of the master in innovation and technology management. Considering the renowned innovation process of the industry in Japan and the unique innovation processes used in Japan, it is a clear advantage to have focused course- and seminar modules about Japanese product and process innovation conduced in Japan. The students who choose Ritsumeikan University in Japan as their second year destination gain invaluable insights into the Japanese approach to innovation and the international competitiveness that arises from it based on the following modules:
This is an innovative approach to strategies for operating a new business. In this course students study how to propose an idea, exercise screening and feasibility study, and make a sophisticated scheme finally. Students do some case studies for improving those skills. This course also handles entrepreneurial spirits and practical skills for realizing the spirits.
Project analysis and Financing is used by a wide variety of industries and individuals as part of the decision-making process in business. This course will cover some of the theories and practices of accounting and the way in which they relate to financial reporting. The main aim of the course is to provide students with an understanding of the detailed process underlying the recording and reporting of financial information that culminates in the preparation of financial reports on the enterprise for use by both internal and external parties.
With recent developments of Information Technology, digital world has opened up new markets, transformed distribution channels and media, advanced the development of products and services, changed the behavior of consumer and thus revitalized business models and strategies. This course offers a comprehensive introduction to business strategy and technology, nature and scope of e-business and e-market, data analytics and information management, and business transformation strategies in the digital age.
The aim of this course is to provide knowledge of the Japanese business management system and the Japanese political economy in relation to the Asia Pacific region. The contents of the course include Japanese domestic business, economic, and political systems, such as human resource management, the keiretsu, general trading companies, and the role of the Japanese government in the business and economy, as well as the internationalization (or regionalization) of Japanese corporations.
Management Information Systems focuses on the most fundamental theories about computers. It addresses such questions as how computers work and what we should know to understand them. With these questions in mind, this course discusses binary number systems, computer codes, computer arithmetic, introductory logic, algorithms, flowcharts and programming, set theory, vectors and matrices, linear algebra, combinatorial analysis and probability.
The purpose of this course is to understand the characteristics, strengths, and challenges of Japanese management and discuss the unique aspect of family businesses. In addition, students will acquire the knowledge of the nature and scope of entrepreneurship, including the development of business plans.
The Research Seminar is the individual session with the faculty supervisor where students work on a research project or thesis about their chosen topic.
“Innovation Systems and Entrepreneurship” begins by understanding the roles of technological innovation in the modern society, such as innovation characteristics and system. For achieving the purpose of the course, students are expected to learn the industrial development of innovation as well. The course uses cases, discussion and concept creation to understand what innovation is all about.
Agile Product Development and Design Thinking focuses on the new concepts, tools and techniques for developing new products fast and market-oriented. The course will provide opportunities for students to lean agile product development and go through an agile process in a group project. The course will highlight the crucial role of innovation in product development that aims to compete and respond to market needs as well as to create new business markets.
A project is formed for implementing various managerial reforms and changes, such as product development, introduction of IT system, development of knowledge management and so on. In this course, students study the principles and skills, such as schedule management, team building, operation analysis.
This course shows management tools mainly for improving productivity. In detail, the students study analytical tools for production operations, control procedures on demand projection influencing the flexibility of production quantities, production plan, inventory control, quality control and materials control.
“Survival Japanese I” is geared for first-time learners of Japanese. Students will learn reading and writing in hiragana and katakana, and basic grammar. Students will acquire the minimum level of vocabulary and expressions needed for life in Japan.
4 ECTS (Seminar)
Technology Management provides the principles of newly developed products and technology development, and seamless and smooth development toward the production system. Students are expected to study the concepts and application technology of production, research development, production system, market needs, development of goods and services, effective investment and entire management by IT system.
For further questions regarding the second year in Japan, please contact:
Prof. Rian Beise-Zee
Email: beisezee@gmail.com