Semesters 1 and 2 (year 1) at TUHH provide a strong foundation in the field of Technology and Innovation Management. They look at early and late phases of the innovation management process and concentrate on market research for (radical) innovation, cross functional cooperation at the front end of the innovation process, managing innovation projects over geographical and functional/divisional boarders and preparing the market introduction of new products and services. In addition, they provide a foundation in the field of Entrepreneurship.
The course content of semester 3 and 4 (year 2) depends on which partner institution is chosen. Based on their specific core competencies each partner offers courses which complement / deepen the study program of the first year. Please see below sections for more detailed information.
The curriculum describes the course content. Each year the students have to achieve a total of 60 ECTS points. In the first year in Hamburg these are based on lectures, in the second year they are based on lectures (30 ECTS) and the thesis (30 ECTS).
Please find an overview of the offered courses by clicking the button below.